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Friday 17 August 2012

The coolest and craziest of CES 2012

Friday, August 17th, 2012
  1. The coolest and craziest of CES 2012

    While we get to see some brilliant new tech at CES every year, by far the most fun part is when it veers left-of-centre. Here are some of the coolest and craziest gadgets we saw at CES 2012.

Digital Home News and Reviews

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Friday 27 July 2012

iPhone 5 leak? New pictures emerge

iPhone 5 leak? New pictures emerge

The latest leaked photos show what appears to be an actual iPhone 5, complete with that heavily rumored redesigned dock connector.
Did a Chinese case manufacturer accidentally reveal the first real photos of an iPhone 5?
Did a Chinese case manufacturer accidentally reveal the first real photos of an iPhone 5?
(Credit: Cool Zone PDA)
About a year ago at this time, iPhone 5 rumors and leaked photos were flying fast and furious. In fact, it was in early August 2011, that I speculated, "Is this what the iPhone 5 looks like? MacRumors says yes."
Of course, the answer turned out to be "no." Could we be looking at a similar disappointment this fall? Perhaps, but there's mounting evidence to support the imminent arrival of a new iPhone.
For example, a couple days ago, Apple CEO Tim Cook hinted at an upcoming iPhone 5 (or something). And today, Gizmodo showed photos of what appears to be an actual iPhone 5, suggesting it was "smuggled out of Foxconn's factory."
That sounds like jumping to conclusions, but the photos, which were posted on Chinese case manufacturer Cool Zone PDA's Web site, certainly look real. One shows what appears to be a white iPhone 5 inside a case; the other, the bottom of the iPhone, revealing the heavily rumored redesigned dock connector and what appears to be a headphone jack.
On the other hand, last year at this time, other case manufacturers appeared to be designing products based on rumored specs, so this could be just another set of mock-ups.
That said, they sure do look authentic.
What do you think? Best iPhone 5 evidence to date, or just more unfounded speculation?

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I don't think that they would redo the dock connector, as there are so many devices out there for the current connector, and the fact that as I understand it, not even all of the pins are being used in the current connector. All that rambling to say I think it's fake, but what do I know.
Posted by Tall_dude22 (2 comments )
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Why would Apple care about there being so many devices with the current dock connector? They just want to sell new stuff!
Posted by maxxifer (195 comments )
Link Flag

There is a logical reason to suspect the doc is actually being changed. Tech advances and things change, and in this case by making the doc more compact allows for a smaller form factor. Apple is always trying to shrink things so this just would not surprise me.

And for those of you who are screaming that Apple is stupid for changing it and in turn in rendering all old connection device void, you just keep on using your PS2 mouse, won't make any difference to us.
Posted by dgomen (110 comments )
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I expect they'll redo the connector as part of their agreement to move to a standard USB (mini-A, right?) connector in the UK.

This new port will accept the USB for charging and data, but most likely also have additional points for a proprietary connector of similar size for additional data throughput.

And there will be an overpriced dongle to attach older devices. Great for my car cable, not so great for my small bookshelf stereo where the iDevice sits in a cradle. (By way of example. I still have iPods that fit in it that I'll keep using even after I upgrade my phone.)
Posted by tvjames_ (90 comments )
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I will be disappointed if it looks like this. I want something more akin to the Galaxy's screen and a rounded back (to make it easier to hold).

I will not buy an iPhone with a slightly bigger screen and 4G. It must be better than the Galaxy.
Posted by somecleverusername (24 comments )
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Yeah, I don't see that happening. The last BIG upgrade was the iPhone 4. Since then, they have been lagging in the innovation department. It's nice that they are adding 4G finally and NFC...but the competition already has that. Larger screen? Nice, but so are the screens on the SGS III and OneX! The iPhone display may have a technical advantage in pixel density, but it's splitting hairs at this point...the 720p 4.8" screen on the SGS III is high enough resolution where the individual pixels are invisible to the naked eye.

So I think the iPhone 5 (or "NEW iPhone" if you prefer) will be a hit with Apple fans, but I don't think its enough for Apple to just have a phone that holds it's own against the competition...they needed something truly outstanding...and I don't think they have it.
Posted by jnemeshjr (257 comments )
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Just get the Galaxy.
Posted by maxxifer (195 comments )
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So just curious, do you have inside knowledge on what the next iPhone is or isn't going to be, or are you basing your assessment on rumors? This pic of a supposed iPhone is just another in a long line of leaked iPhones. And the rumors of what the new phone will or will not have in features is also just rumors. I hold judgement until Apple officially releases it. These rumor mills are just that, rumor producing mills.
Posted by dgomen (110 comments )
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"akin to the Galaxy"? That would be great, then Samsung could sue Apple!
Posted by toph36 (25 comments )
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I will not buy an iPhone with a slightly bigger screen and 4G. It must be better than the Galaxy.

What does not make this better than the Galaxy S3?
Posted by ilostthegame (187 comments )
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Hard to tell what it looks like since it is in a case. Is the back glass or metal? Is it curved or flat etc? I will be in the market for a phone around Christmas as my son will be getting his first (my current iphone4) phone. I am not however locked into buying another an iphone.
Posted by raffr (975 comments )
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Lets see...... Nexus 7 is near impossible to get your hands on...... iPhone just sold 26 million handsets, while Samsung has almost sold twice that amount.... Galaxy S III has broke over 10 million.......

The question to ask yourself, is this "real", or is it a way to try to detract from what's going on now...?
Posted by technerd01 (327 comments )
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Wow. It looks just like the other iPhones.

What a breakthrough.
Posted by Liftline (180 comments )
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Apple got it pretty right the first time around. Why would they redesign the phone, unless it would make some significant improvements?
Posted by ilostthegame (187 comments )
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This is fake, the phone is not even running IOS 6 which I doubt would not be loaded by default.

You can tell by looking at the "MAPS" icon or the "Clock" iconon the home screen.

IOS6 the icon has changed .....
Posted by MX348 (2 comments )
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This may be a prototype model. And Apple may have leaked this on purpose to throw people off. I hope so anyway because I'm tired of the iBrick design.
Posted by jahooba (15 comments )
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good point.
I would also like to add that I find it odd that the picture just happens to be centered in front of a laptop with a windows 7 logo heh
Posted by soylentgreen77 (72 comments )
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If that's the final design I'd like to know what the heck happened. Apple makes BILLIONS of dollars a year - they can't alter the design beyond a longer screen?
Posted by jahooba (15 comments )
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Why are you so caught up on the design?! Are you one of those people who really only buys a product for it's design?
Posted by maxxifer (195 comments )
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Man that thing is thick. Samsung and HTC are starting to blow Apple away on the hardware side.
Posted by TonyRAnderson (35 comments )
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Oh look! A cardboard cutout of the suppose next iphone in a white plastic back snap case!
Posted by andrew8621 (41 comments )
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If this a real picture of the iPhone 5 then I am a little disappointed that the physical look and feel really hasn't changed from the 4 except making it taller. This design already looks old compared with today's current lineup of phones.
Posted by Xmoto (82 comments )
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Posted by bob1xxxx (327 comments )
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If that is the iPhone 5, then all the shareholders of APPLE better start selling their shares now. Despite the success of IPAD, it is clear from the recent earning report that APPL performance is heavily dependent on iphone.
The picture above looks more like iphone 4Sp2 (patch 2). Not iphone 5

I doubt that is real. It could be something APPLE leak out to confuse their competitors who are just copying everything they make.
Posted by darrenchee11 (5 comments )
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It's not going to be called iPhone 5. It's the 6th generation of iPhone and Apple showed with the 3rd generation iPad that they want to get away from using numbers in their names. I would expect it will just show on websites as iPhone (6th generation) or something like that.
Posted by bjbj1279 (550 comments )
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I don't know why people are so hung up about these unreliable sources. I'm sure one will be left in a bar soon enough.
Posted by contentcreator--2008 (661 comments )
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they dont look authentic. it looks like a faked brick with printing on it. there is a reason it's a very very low quality cellphone shot.

If they had in their hands a real iphone 5, they would find someone with a DSLR to take real photos.
Posted by timgray1 (106 comments )
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It looks very similar to a touchscreen cellular phone.
Posted by lamorpa (532 comments )
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Posted by JimPratt3 (320 comments )
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Please stop wasting our time with something that is obviously a fake. The image on the left is clearly Photoshopped and the one on the right simply looks like the 4/4S.
Posted by toph36 (25 comments )
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If the next iPhone isn't something truly special Apple will start to see its market share decline... Remember RIM anyone???
Posted by mel49508 (30 comments )
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Was the patent expiring on the old dock connector?
Posted by ToddWBeaver (1064 comments )
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I think Apple has a general patent for plugging anything into a phone... lol
Posted by Jackster11 (50 comments )
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Oh...that would just be too funny. If the patent ended on the old 30 pin connector and other companies started mass producing devices that would interface with the old dock. All of the sudden all those iThing only devices become available to non-apple devices.

I highly doubt that is the case...but I don't think I would be able to stop laughing if new phones/pmps/tablets started coming out with the old iDock connector. Apple would have given all of their competition a near unlimited accessory base and brought serious question into whether we should buy into the new system.
Posted by cloudmatt (2115 comments )
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The dock connector is for charging only now. All syncing is done wirelessly now over WiFi and/or bluetooth 4. And there's a small bluetooth dongle that attaches to the end of the current 30-pin connector, so you can still use all the old docks, so chill would you please. Now I've said more than I should have. Bye.
Posted by MyRightEye (1173 comments )
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Why would they call it the "iPhone 5" when its the 6th iPhone?
Posted by alexxeon (2 comments )
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